Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis

TagComputer vs. human achievements

AI(Artificial intelligence) concept.

Exactly What IS Artificial Intelligence Anyway?

How does AI relate to machine learning (ML), neural computing, informatics, and a host of other hot CS buzz words?

Robert J. Marks, director of the Walter Bradley Center for Natural & Artificial Intelligence, likes to explain AI by saying “AI is anything computers do that is kind of amazing.” (“Human Exceptionalism,” Reasons to Believe, August 8, 2020). Using this definition AI is a general term that includes a collection of computer science technologies. AI is fluid. Dr. Elaine Rich (pictured), noted computer scientist and an author of Artificial Intelligence, offers a more specific definition: “AI is the study of how to make computers do things which, at the moment, people do better.” (Accessed February 17, 2021) Relying on this definition John Hsia observes: “By definition, once a computer can do what people used to do better, it’s no longer Read More ›