Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis


voice recognition waveform and spectrum

Defining and Discussing the Radio Spectrum

So much of our modern technology depends on wireless “frequencies.” But how do electromagnetic frequencies actually work and how did engineers implement them into electronic devices? In this episode, Robert J. Marks and podcast director Austin Egbert talk with Google Engineer Andrew Clegg about the radio spectrum, how it has led to technological development, and the challenges of having too Read More ›

Swarm of drones surveying, flying over city

EMPS, Swarms and Other Types of Terrifying Technology

Can you survive without your devices? Dr. Robert Marks and Sarah Seguin talk about the dangers to our electrical infrastructure stemming from modern technology. They also discuss various ways people can protect themselves during an EMP attack or another similar event. Show Notes 00:55 | Introduction 01:57 | Electromagnetic Capability 04:28 | Defining EMPs 05:35 | The Physics behind EMPs 08:00 Read More ›

Silhouette of drone flying above city at sunset

Using EMPs in Warfare

EMPs are just one aspect of the ever-growing threat in our changing world. There are multiple types of frequencies which could affect your electronics and your well-being. Robert J. Marks and Sarah Seguin return to discuss these threats and the future of warfare. Show Notes Additional Resources